Clowning Workshops in TTG

On October 20th and 21st, Vivian Gladwell came to TTG to give two workshops. Vivian and ELI trainer, Arnaud Durand, combined efforts in order to give a Clowning & Compassionate Communication joint workshop to a mix of staff members from TTG and staff members from the Europe and Vietnam Eurasia/ELI teams.

On the second day, TTG hosted a Clowning workshop open for members of the public, attended mainly by friends of Eurasia/ TTG, who had attended clowning workshops with Vivian in the past.

On Sunday and Monday Vivian gave public Clowning workshops in Saigon (photos below.)

Participants practiced being open to vulnerability and emotions. During moments of improvisation, we were invited to be fully present in the moment rather than anticipating their performances. It was a challenging as well as joyful experience. The TTG team was extremely creative and had a lot of fun.


Camille Van Klaveren